

路易斯安那e世博esball大学 Title IV code to be used on the Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA) is 002032.

是的. You are required to apply for financial aid every year if you want to be considered for federal or state aid which includes grants, 贷款, 和勤工助学.

如果你已经申请了联邦或州援助, the Office of 金融援助 will create a package specifically for your family and notify you by email with instructions on how to view your offer notification online.

Since your financial situation can change from year to year; your offer may be affected. 你的薪酬将每年评估一次,以反映收入的变化, 家庭地位, 令人满意的学业进展, 以及入学情况. 在您出席期间可能会出现特殊情况. Some circumstances may be taken into account through a request for Professional Judgment Review by the parent or student. 表格可从本署网页下载. 请填妥所需文件,按需要交回办公室.

注意: The institutional scholarship you receive from the university will be renewed according to the provisions specified in your contract provided you maintain 令人满意的学业进展.

没有收入限制,因为收入本身并不是唯一的考虑因素. 我们考虑整个家庭的收入, 家庭规模, 大学里的人数, 医疗费用, 和其他信息,以帮助我们为您提供最好的方案.

因为许多因素使每个家庭的财务状况各不相同, 我们不能只根据收入来作出判断.

是的. 如果你从学校获得了任何形式的经济援助, 私人来源, or 政府ernment sources; you must report the scholarship to the financial aid office.

大学可能会根据需要调整你的经济援助计划,以防止超额录取. 在大多数情况下,外部奖学金被用来代替贷款而不是助学金.

是的, 如果你从e世博esball大学退学或改变你注册的学分数, 你的资格可能会改变. You should contact your financial aid counselor in the office to discuss how it may affect your eligibility for financial aid.

如果你注册的学生少于全日制学生, 您的教育费用将根据实际减少的学费重新计算. 您的家庭捐款将不予修改, 因为无论你的注册状态如何,你都需要缴纳相同的金额.

Your eligibility for aid will be reduced in proportion to the reduced tuition or other charges that result from less than full-time study. 你必须至少注册了半天才有资格获得经济援助.

You and your family are obligated to notify our office if you have a change in your family circumstances that is likely to affect your expected family contribution. 这些变化包括收入的减少/增加, a decrease/increase in the number of family members in the household or supported by parents or a decrease/increase in the number of family members attending college.

It is important to keep a copy of your completed financial aid applications as a record of what was reported. Other changes such as a loss or reduction of family income also may constitute a reason to ask us to re-evaluate an earlier offer. 这一过程要求家庭以书面形式提交一份具体的情况解释, 包括收入减少的明细. 联系你的财务援助顾问以获得进一步的指导.

这两个办公室有各自的行政职能. 助学金资格由财政援助办公室决定, 奖学金, 贷款, 勤工俭学和其他财政援助和大学资助计划. The Fiscal Office is responsible for all billing and collecting of applicable charges and issuing student refunds for all student accounts.


Verification is the audit process of reviewing and determining a student's eligibility for Title IV assistance. The verification process determines the accuracy of the information a student and/or parent reports on his/her FAFSA.

美国.S. Department of Education determines whether or not a student is selected for the audit process called verification. 学生是根据FAFSA申请上报告的信息来选择的.

学生们会收到来自美国大学的通知.S. Department of Education via their processed FAFSA application which is called a Student 援助 Report (SAR). 该信息显示在评论部分中. The 金融援助 Office notifies students via their Xavier E-MAIL informing them of the verification process. 学生 are informed to check their Banner Web account for "Student Requirements" where the required documents are listed.

The only acceptable document is the IRS TAX RETURN TRANSCRIPT which needs to be requested from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

要获取国税局纳税申报表,请访问 www.国税局.政府. 在“工具”下单击“获取税务记录”,或拨打1-800-908-9946.

此表格用于收集学生信息, 学生家庭情况, 学生及/或家长的收入资料, 以及纳税和未纳税的收入.

The verification process is based in the timeframe in which a student submits his or her requested documents. 然而, 处理高峰期, (6月, 7月和8月)验证过程可能需要1到2周的时间来验证学生的文件。.





No, we also offer Off 校园 Work-Study where students work in a variety of schools located within the community.


所有机构和外部奖学金都在财政援助中处理,而不是提供. Institutional 奖学金 for incoming freshmen are offered in the Office of 招生 and the various academic departments. Institutional 奖学金 for continuing students are offered by the Office of Academic Affa国税局 and the various departments.

奖学金是根据录取机构提供的说明发布的. 如果一学年有奖学金, 它将被张贴在该年(平均在两个学期之间)。. 如果奖学金只提供一个学期, 奖学金组织在寄支票给学校时必须包括这些信息.

是的,如果你获得了奖学金,它是用来支付你的教育费用的. 它必须提交给学校,并与收到的所有其他财务资源一起公布.

外部奖学金将在收到捐赠者的资金后发布. 如果你期待的奖学金不是张贴在你的奖项, please be sure that it has been sent to the University already and then contact the 学生资助办公室 & 奖学金.

奖学金必须按照联邦援助准则与联邦援助一起公布. 为了避免超过学生出勤费用的助学金, 奖学金公布后,贷款会减少.

1 Drexel驱动箱# 121
新奥尔良,La 70125

颁发奖学金时,请在备忘录中注明, 学生的全名和e世博esball的身份证号码, 如果可用.

我们处理大量的外部奖学金. 请预留5-7个工作日, 一旦我们收到你的奖学金, 用于处理和张贴到您的经济援助报价. 

It is our policy that all external scholarship awards are split evenly between the Fall and Spring semesters of the academic year in which it is received unless otherwise stated in a letter or memo accompanying the scholarship check.

如果希望获得外部奖学金, 学生应该通过向学生经济援助办公室提交获奖信来通知我们 & 奖学金.  Award letters should come from the scholarship organization and include the student's name and the amount of the award. 有了这封信,我们可以将预期的奖励添加到学生的经济援助奖励中.

如果学生没有上e世博esball大学, any unused portion of the scholarship is returned to the organization unless otherwise stated by the organization.


Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is the evaluation of student's academic history in order to determine eligibility for Federal Student 援助 (FSA) funds. 学生必须在符合条件的课程中取得令人满意的学术进步. The student's entire academic history is reviewed for this process regardless if the student received aid for the course work or credit hours attempted, 不管工作是转移到e世博esball大学还是转向专业, 或者不管这些课程是多久前在e世博esball大学或其他学校开设的.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is to ensure students are able to complete their academic program in a timely manner while achieving a minimum academic standard. 在使用联邦学生援助基金(和其他联邦政府资助基金)的问责制日益加强的时代, 状态, 及机构基金), institutions and students must demonstrate that financial aid funds are being used to assist students in completing their academic goals in the most efficient way.

当学生不符合SAP时,该学生不能获得任何类型的联邦学生援助, 包括联邦拨款, 联邦直接贷款, 或联邦勤工俭学. 学生可以, 然而, 透过自己选择的贷款机构申请私人贷款, 不需要SAP的. Private 贷款 differ from 联邦直接贷款 in that the lender will check the student's credit history and may require a co-signer.